Red Cranberries Chutney Recipe by Gowri Chebbi
Embrace the tangy notes of cranberries enhanced with the deep flavors of coconut, chili, and jaggery in this exquisite chutney. A perfect accompaniment that takes your meal from ordinary to extraordinary.
- 1 cup cranberries, lightly roasted with 1 tsp of oil
- 1 cup dry coconut, roasted until it attains a light brown hue
- 1 tsp fenugreek seeds, roasted
- 1 tsp mustard powder
- ¼ cup red chili powder
- ½ cup jaggery (or brown sugar)
- 1 tsp asafetida
- Salt, to taste
1. In a grinder, combine the roasted cranberries, roasted dry coconut, roasted fenugreek seeds, mustard powder, red chili powder, jaggery, asafetida, and salt.
2. Process the mixture to a thick paste without adding water.
3. Store in an airtight container and enjoy as a delightful side with your meals.